DispossessionCrosstownBreezewayAfter HoursElsewhere



Cover Image:  Sunday Morning in Soho, London
(Photo by Jason Roush, 2003)

“Jason Roush has a brilliant command of the line and an almost pointillist way of combining exact, exquisite phrases into sweeping vistas. At once tender and humane, the poems in Crosstown display a rare intelligence and character. The collection is not only well-written, but well-told—the voice is sly and warm, and the whole book is good company.”

—John Skoyles, author of The Situation

Jason Roush's poems have appeared in Assaracus, Brooklyn ReviewCimarron ReviewFifth Wednesday, Plume, and elsewhere. 
He is the author of three other books of poetry: After Hours (2005), Breezeway (2007), and Dispossession (2012).
(Web text and images, copyright 2024)


(Author Photo by Paul Rivenberg, 2009)